Jason Highbarger

Jason Highbarger


100 Unbroken Ring Dips


20 years experience as a Strength and Conditioning Coach and Performance-Nutrition Consultant and a legitimate 20 years of CrossFit experience, having started with Coach Greg Glassman in the early 90′s. I was personally mentored by Greg “Coach” Glassman, the founder of CrossFit, and thus has a rather unique perspective of having intimately witnessed CrossFit’s evolution from the beginning, back before there ever was “crossfit.com”, the “CrossFit Journal”, a “CrossFit Certification”, or a “CrossFit Affiliate”. CF-L1 CF-L2

About Coach

I have worked with an extensive scope of athletes and abilities. I have trained clients as young as 4 and as old as 90, ranging from those who have never worked out before in their lives, to “weekend warriors”, to pregnant women, to professional athletes, MIL, LEO, and FIRE clients whose lives and livelihoods very much depend on their health, fitness, and ability to perform under duress. I have helped clients rehab a multitude of injuries, ranging from common athletic back, knee, shoulder, ankle, wrist, and elbow injuries, to patellar-femoral syndrome and hip replacement surgery, to those recovering from horrific accidents.

Turning Point

Meeting Greg Glassman and being part of the beginning of CrossFit

Motivation & Passion

My service and commitment to my clients and our members are what fuel my existence. I love what I do. I am very driven to help improve the lives of our clients and members, not only in their sport/profession and pursuit of athletic dominance but in their lives as a whole.

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